Lead The Change Community gives you approximately 250 online courses from 8 Ivy League schools. These schools place in the top fifteen of the U.S. News and World Report 2017 National University rankings.
Based on collection of Class Central (Massive Open Online Courses platform), Lead The Change categorizes these courses 9 subjects. They are:
- Computer Science
- Business & Management
- Humanities
- Art & Design
- Science
- Health & Medicine
- Mathematics
- Education & Teaching
- Engineering
In this part, Lead The Change provides you 6 subjects:
Humanities, Science, Health & Medicine, Education & Teaching, Engineering
The Civil War and Reconstruction — 1865–1890: The Unfinished Revolution
Columbia University via edX
The Civil War and Reconstruction – 1865-1890: The Unfinished Revolution, examines the pivotal but misunderstood era of Reconstruction that followed the Civil War, the first effort in American history to construct an interracial democracy.
This course is part of the XSeries, Civil War and Reconstruction, which introduces students to the most pivotal era in American history. The Civil War transformed the nation by eliminating the threat of secession and destroying the institution of slavery.
The Civil War and Reconstruction — 1861–1865: A New Birth of Freedom
Columbia University via edX
A New Birth of Freedom: The Civil War, 1861-1865 narrates the history of the American Civil War. While it examines individual engagements and the overall nature of the military conflict, the focus is less on the battlefield than on political, social, and economic change in the Union and the Confederacy.
The Civil War and Reconstruction — 1850–1861: A Nation Divided
Columbia University via edX
A House Divided: The Road to Civil War, 1850-1861 begins by examining how generations of historians have explained the crisis of the Union. After discussing the institution of slavery and its central role in the southern and national economies, it turns to an account of the political and social history of the 1850s.
American Capitalism: A History
Cornell University via edX
While capitalism has a global history, the United States plays a special role in that story.
This course will help you to understand how the United States became the world’s leading economic power, revealing essential lessons about what has been and what will be possible in capitalism’s on-going revolution.
Visualizing Japan (1850s-1930s): Westernization, Protest, Modernity
Harvard University via edX
VJx will cover the following topics in four modules:
Module 0: Introduction: New Historical Sources for a Digital Age (Professors Dower, Gordon, Miyagawa).
Module 1: Black Ships & Samurai (Professor Dower).
Module 2: Social Protest in Imperial Japan: The Hibiya Riot of 1905 (Professor Gordon).
Module 3: Modernity in Interwar Japan: Shiseido & Consumer Culture (Professors Dower, Gordon, Weisenfeld).
The Book: Books in the Medieval Liturgy
Harvard University via edX
In this module of The Book: Histories Across Time and Space, we’ll explore and explain the beautiful service books of the medieval church. No prior knowledge of liturgy or Latin is required, but there will be a lot of both, along with music.
The Ethics of Eating
Cornell University via edX
This class will provide the tools required to reflect clearly and effectively on these challenging questions.
Our goal is to provide a working understanding of some leading ethical theories as well as the central empirical issues related to food production, distribution and consumption.
Religious Literacy: Traditions and Scriptures
Harvard University via edX
The study of religion is the study of a rich and fascinating dimension of human experience that includes but goes well beyond beliefs and ritual practices.
In this religion course, learners explore case studies about how religions are internally diverse, how they evolve and change through time, and how religions are embedded in all dimensions of human experience.
Journey of the Universe: The Unfolding of Life
Yale University via Coursera
The Journey course, thus, is based on a new integration that is emerging from the dialogue of the sciences and humanities. Journey tells the story of evolution as an epic narrative, rather than as a series of facts separated by scientific disciplines.
Ancient Philosophy: Aristotle and His Successors
University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
This course traces the origins of philosophy in the Western tradition in the thinkers of Ancient Greece. We begin with the Presocratic natural philosophers who were active in Ionia in the 6th century BCE and are also credited with being the first scientists.
Masterpieces of World Literature
Harvard University via edX
Focusing particularly on works of literature that take the experience of the wider world as their theme, this course will explore the varied artistic modes in which great writers have situated themselves in the world, helping us to understand the deep roots of today’s intertwined global cultures. M
The Book: The Medieval Book of Hours: Art and Devotion in the Later Middle Ages
Harvard University via edX
In this course, we will explore how books of hours provide the closest thing we have to a comprehensive and continuous record of the development of painting across most of western Europe from the later thirteenth through the early sixteenth century.
“The Book of Hours” is one module of a series of courses called “The Book: Histories Across Time and Space.” You may take this course on its own, or with the other courses of the series.
The Ancient Greek Hero in 24 Hours
Harvard University via edX
You will gain access to a supportive learning community led by Professor Gregory Nagy and his Board of Readers, who model techniques for “reading out” of ancient texts. This approach allows readers with little or even no experience in the subject matter to begin seeing this literature as an exquisite, perfected system of communication.
English for Career Development
University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
This course is designed for non-native English speakers who are interested in advancing their careers in the global marketplace. In this course, you will learn about the job search, application, and interview process in the United States, while comparing and contrasting the same process in your home country.
This course will also give you the opportunity to explore your global career path, while building your vocabulary and improving your language skills to achieve your professional goals. The first unit in this course will introduce the U.S.
The Worldview of Thomas Berry: The Flourishing of the Earth Community
Yale University via Coursera
The course explores Berry’s insights into cosmology as a context for locating the human in a dynamic unfolding universe and thus participating in the creative work of our times.
In particular, we will examine Berry’s reflections on renewal and reform in the areas of ecology, economics, education, spirituality, and the arts.
Question Reality! Science, philosophy, and the search for meaning
Dartmouth via edX
Learners who complete this course will be able to:
A. Communicate with others about the latest scientific discoveries in various disciplines including cosmology, quantum physics, mathematics, machine intelligence and cognitive science.
B. Identify key points in history where scientific advances changed humanity’s philosophy and understanding of the nature of reality and our place in the Universe.
C. Reflect on and examine their own worldview and identify if any changes occurred during this course.
D. Confidently argue about scientific evidence, philosophical viewpoints, and others’ interpretations of both.
E. Demonstrate how the scientific method works, its limitations, and how scientists use it to construct knowledge about physical reality.
The Book: Book Sleuthing: What 19th-Century Books Can Tell Us About the Rise of the Reading Public?
Harvard University via edX
This module’s six sections guide you through underlined, inscribed, defaced and repaired books in Harvard’s collections:
1. Name That Book
Find out what you can tell about a book when you’re blindfolded.
2. Handheld Books and Mobile Readers
What book did one soldier carry to Civil War battlefields in his pocket? (Hint: it’s not what you think.)
3. The Pen and the Needle
Did 19th-century girls have to choose between sewing and reading? The holes pricked in one book suggest they did both at once.
4. Leaving your Mark
Luckily for future historians, these children didn’t listen when people told them not to write in their books.
5. Detective Work
Try out some tools that build on what you’ve learned about books at Harvard to discover the stories hidden in your local library.
6. Over to You
Your chance to share what you have found in the books around you.
Writing Case Studies: Science of Delivery
Princeton University via edX
Case studies are a vital tool for sharing insight about the how of policy implementation and institutional reform. They trace the steps taken to produce results, show solutions people have devised to address anticipated challenges and overcome unanticipated obstacles.
Case studies help us think about how to adapt approaches so that they work in different contexts.
Judaism Through Its Scriptures
Harvard University via edX
This religion course introduces students to the diversity of the ever-expanding Jewish canon and the equally diverse ways of reading it. It will examine how Jews, ancient and modern, drew inspiration and guidance from the traditional texts while simultaneously reinterpreting their contents in light of new circumstances.
English for Business and Entrepreneurship
University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
In this course, you will learn about topics and language necessary to succeed in the international workplace. You will explore business English through authentic readings and video lectures, while learning about business vocabulary, concepts, and issues.
Social Science
Introduction to Key Constitutional Concepts and Supreme Court Cases
University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
This course offers an introduction to the U.S. Constitution and landmark Supreme Court cases interpreting it. It explores the Constitution’s origins, its amendment over the years, and methods of constitutional interpretation. Topics include the nature and structure of the federal government, the powers of the federal government, and individual rights.
The Book: Making and Meaning in the Medieval Manuscript
Harvard University via edX
This module is designed to walk you through the process of making a medieval manuscript. Using a wide variety of examples from the collections of Harvard’s Houghton Library, it will familiarize you with basic terms and concepts and give you a “feel” for the shapes, sizes, formats, materials and considerations of craft that went into the making of the book as we know it.
Microeconomics: When Markets Fail
University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
Perfect markets achieve efficiency: maximizing total surplus generated. But real markets are imperfect. In this course we will explore a set of market imperfections to understand why they fail and to explore possible remedies including as antitrust policy, regulation, government intervention.
Examples are taken from everyday life, from goods and services that we all purchase and use. We will apply the theory to current events and policy debates through weekly exercises. These will empower you to be an educated, critical thinker who can understand, analyze and evaluate market outcomes.
The Book: Print and Manuscript in Western Europe, Asia and the Middle East (1450–1650)
Harvard University via edX
This module also explores printing in East Asia, by wood block and movable type, and the late dominance of manuscript production in the Islamic world.
JuryX: Deliberations for Social Change
Harvard University via edX
In JuryX: Deliberations for Social Change, an experiment in online civic discourse, you are invited to engage with Professor Nesson and others with an understanding that each of us starts from a place of anonymity. Through a series of asynchronous and synchronous online group activities, you will explore a deliberative system by which emotionally charged issues can be discussed.
Revolutionary Ideas: Utility, Justice, Equality, Freedom
University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
The aim of the course is not to convince you of the correctness of any particular view or political position, but to provide you with a deeper and more philosophically-informed basis for your own views, and, perhaps, to help you better understand the views of those with whom you disagree.A
Microeconomics: The Power of Markets
University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
This course is an introduction to the microeconomic theory of markets: why we have them, how they work, what they accomplish.
We will start with the concept of scarcity and how specialization according to comparative advantage helps us achieve more than we could alone. Next we model a marked using the tools of Supply and Demand and learn what well working markets accomplish and what their limit are. We end by exploring the impact of government intervention on perfect markets.
Introduction to Sociology
Princeton University via Coursera
We will review comparative, historical, demographic, experimental, and ethnographic methods. Along the way, we will study core concepts including ethnocentrism, social networks, community, unanticipated consequences, social capital, race, class, and gender.
Networks, Crowds and Markets
Cornell University via edX
The course invites you to examine the interconnectedness of modern life through an exploration of fundamental questions about how our social, economic, and technological worlds are connected. Students will explore game theory, the structure of the Internet, social contagion, the spread of social power and popularity, and information cascades.
Top 10 Social Issues for the President’s First 100 Days
University of Pennsylvania via edX
The course is self-paced and will start on Inauguration Day (January 20, 2017) and run for the first 100 days (ending May 1). There is no straight path through the course; you will create your own learning plan.
We offer our faculty and their research for your consideration and discussion, but it is you who has to decide to engage. This MOOC will only be successful with your participation, your voice and your critical thinking on how to make sense of—and transform! —our world.
Revolutionary Ideas: Borders, Elections, Constitutions, Prisons
University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
The aim of the course is not to convince you of the correctness of any particular view or political position, but to provide you with a deeper and more philosophically-informed basis for your own views, and, perhaps, to help you better understand the views of those with whom you disagree.
Social Norms, Social Change I
University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
This is Part 1 of the Social Norms, Social Change series. In these lectures, I introduce all the basic concepts and definitions, such as social expectations and conditional preferences, that help us distinguish between different types of social practices like customs, descriptive norms and social norms.
Social Norms, Social Change II
University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
This course covers scripts and schemas, the cognitive structures in which social expectations are embedded, and their relationship with social norms. The course then examines the essentials of norm abandonment, including the relations between personal beliefs and social expectations.
Freedom of Expression in the Age of Globalization
Columbia University via edX
Taught with the support of journalists, human rights defenders and press freedom activists from around the world, this course is a formidable introduction to a complex fundamental right, at the heart of today’s many global challenges, from the Internet to national security, freedom of religion and privacy.
The Age of Sustainable Development
Columbia University via Coursera
The Age of Sustainable Development” gives students an understanding of the key challenges and pathways to sustainable development – that is, economic development that is also socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable.
Introduction to Sustainable Development
Columbia University via Coursera
This preview course, “Introduction to Sustainable Development” will give you an understanding of the key challenges and pathways to sustainable development – that is, economic development that is also socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable.
Super-Earths And Life
Harvard University via edX
Super-Earths And Life is a course about life on Earth, alien life, how we search for life outside of Earth, and what this teaches us about our place in the universe.
Super-Earths And Life is all about how these fields, astronomy and biology, together with geology, can help answer one of our most powerful and primal questions: are we alone in the universe?
Sharks! Global Biodiversity, Biology, and Conservation
Cornell University via edX
In this biology course, you will learn how scientists study sharks. You will join researchers on location in labs, aquariums, and oceans across the globe to learn about the biodiversity, biology, and conservation of sharks, rays, and chimaeras.
Introduction to Environmental Science
Dartmouth via edX
Environmental impacts on Earth come from the number of people and the amount and types of resources that they use. By applying scientific principles and considering real-world examples, we will examine:
- The field of environmental science and how to think like an environmental scientist
- The human population and the ways in which changes in the population affect the environment
- Agriculture, soils and the environmental implications of eating meat, vegetables, local, organic, sustainable, industrial and other types of food
- Non-renewable fossil fuels with a focus on coal, petroleum and natural gas and the benefits and consequences of using each
- Renewable fuels such as wind and solar and identify that even renewable “green” energy sources have impacts as well as benefits
- Biodiversity and global change, which are the integrating units of environmental science
Imagining Other Earths
Princeton University via Coursera
This course introduces core concepts in astronomy, biology, and planetary science that enable the student to speculate scientifically about this profound question and invent their own solar systems.
High-Dimensional Data Analysis
Harvard University via edX
We will learn about the batch effect: the most challenging data analytical problem in genomics today and describe how the techniques can be used to detect and adjust for batch effects. Specifically, we will describe the principal component analysis and factor analysis and demonstrate how these concepts are applied to data visualization and data analysis of high-throughput experimental data.
The Einstein Revolution
Harvard University via edX
Albert Einstein has become the icon of modern science. Following his scientific, cultural, philosophical, and political trajectory, this course aims to track the changing role of physics in the 20th and 21st centuries.
This history course addresses Einstein’s engagement with relativity, quantum mechanics, Nazism, nuclear weapons, philosophy, the arts, and technology, and raises basic questions about what it means to understand physics in its broader history.
Basic Behavioral Neurology
University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
This course will survey fundamental principles of cognitive and behavioral neurology. The emphasis of the course will be on the neural mechanisms underlying aspects of cognition and on diseases that affect intellect and behavior. No prior background in neurology, medicine, or neuroscience is required.
Journey Conversations: Weaving Knowledge and Action
Yale University via Coursera
This course draws on the Journey of the Universe Conversations, a series of 20 interviews with scientists and environmentalists. The first 10 interviews are with scientists and historians who deepen our understanding of the evolutionary process of universe, Earth, and humans.
Sustainability, Resilience, and Society
Harvard University via edX
What is sustainability, and how are we active participants in it? How does our individual ‘ecological footprint’ matter among the billions of humans’ footprints on earth? How are we alike and different in our impacts, depending on where we live; and how does civic and governmental attitude impact sustainability and resilience in the future?
These questions will be explored on a global, local and personal level in this introductory course. Students will compare and contrast case studies from suburban Seattle to rural, mountainous China and consider their own significant impacts on ecology.
Health and Medicine
Vital Signs: Understanding What the Body Is Telling Us
University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
The course is designed for a broad, general audience but will be particularly interesting for individuals working in healthcare, those considering a career as a healthcare professional, lay caregivers, those with an interest in personal health and fitness, or anyone who simply wants to understand how the body functions.
Introduction to Breast Cancer
Yale University via Coursera
There is something in this course for everyone – if you’re a breast cancer survivor or the friend/family member of someone with this disease, this course will help you to better understand this disease, and give you ideas for questions you may want to ask your doctor. Maybe you’re a healthcare provider or studying to be the same, this course is a great refresher on where the state of the science is.
If you’re a healthcare administrator wondering about how the interdisciplinary components of breast cancer care fit together, or an entrepreneur thinking about unmet needs in this space, or someone in public health interested in prevention, this course is also for you!
Readings in Global Health
Harvard University via edX
In this course, learners will hear from leading experts as they engage with current issues and challenges in global health. The course will examine the global response to diseases, such as the developing Zika outbreak.
Health and Society
Harvard University via edX
The course covers the theoretical underpinnings of each construct (e.g. “race” as a social category), and surveys the empirical research linking each to population health status. Methods are introduced to operationalize each construct for the purposes of empirical application in epidemiologic research.
Global Health Case Studies from a Biosocial Perspective
Harvard University via edX
Improving Global Health: Focusing on Quality and Safety
Harvard University via edX
Humanitarian Response to Conflict and Disaster
Harvard University via edX
HI-FIVE: Health Informatics For Innovation, Value & Enrichment (Clinical Perspective)
Columbia University via Coursera
Innovating in Health Care
Harvard University via edX
Lessons from Ebola: Preventing the Next Pandemic
Harvard University via edX
Essentials of Global Health
Yale University via Coursera
Education and Teaching
American Education Reform: History, Policy, Practice
University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
Leaders of Learning
Harvard University via edX
Saving Schools, Mini-Course 1: History and Politics of U.S. Education
Harvard University via edX
Saving Schools, Mini-Course 2: Teacher Policies
Harvard University via edX
Saving Schools, Mini-Course 3: Accountability and National Standards
Harvard University via edX
Saving Schools, Mini-Course 4: School Choice
Harvard University via edX
Applying to U.S. Universities
University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
How to Apply to College
University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
Introduction to Data Wise: A Collaborative Process to Improve Learning & Teaching
Harvard University via edX
Introduction to Family Engagement in Education
Harvard University via edX
Understanding Classroom Interaction
University of Pennsylvania via edX
The Science of Learning — What Every Teacher Should Know
Columbia University via edX
English for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
Orchestrating Whole Classroom Discussion
University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
Engineering (13 courses)
The Engineering of Structures Around Us
Dartmouth via edX
A Hands-on Introduction to Engineering Simulations
Cornell University via edX
The Art of Structural Engineering: Bridges
Princeton University via edX
Designing Cities
University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
MOS Transistors
Columbia University via Coursera
Energy Within Environmental Constraints
Harvard University via edX
Robotics: Aerial Robotics
University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
Reclaiming Broken Places: Introduction to Civic Ecology
Cornell University via edX
Robotics: Computational Motion Planning
University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
Robotics: Estimation and Learning
University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
Robotics: Perception
University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
Robotics: Mobility
University of Pennsylvania via Courser